Fit for study check

Would you like to know whether you have the personal skills you need for stuying, such als willigness to learn or commitment? Then you have the chance to test it here.

In our "Fit for Studying Check", you will be asked questions about your personal skills.

Allow about 5 minutes for the check.

You will receive the results of the Fit for Study Check in a personal evaluation interview. Here you will also have the opportunity to ask questions about your desired course of study at the TU Ilmenau. The appointment will be arranged with you individually.

Instructions for completing the check

Please read each statement carefully and decide to what extent the statement applies to you. With the help of a slider you make an assessment for each statement on a 6-step scale from

"does not apply" (trifft nicht zu)  to  "fully applies" (trifft voll zu).

There are no right or wrong answers. Even if you find it difficult to make an assessment, please choose the answer that is most likely to be correct. Work carefully and be honest with yourself for your own sake. The slider must be clicked for each question, otherwise you will not get to the next page.

Process the check without interruption if possible. If this is not possible (e.g. battery empty, no network, etc.), you can load the check you have started and continue with the last processing status. To do this, enter the identification number displayed below in the corresponding field on the "Load test already started" tab. Make a note of the individual identification number of your check.

First, we want to ask for some information:
Token for this test: hOeccQ
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